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Siemens Aera 1.5T MRI


Manufactured: 2010


Location: Japan (NEX252)


Number of Channels: 48


Software: NUMARIS 4


Version: syngo MR E11


Gradient Coil: GC 1.5XJ


Coils: 32Ch_Spine, 4Ch_BI Breast, Loop_4cm, 4Ch_Flex Large, 4Ch_Flex Small, Body, 16Ch_Shoulder Large, 16Ch_Shoulder Small, Peripheral Angio, 18Ch_Body, 20Ch_HeadNeck


Options: N11TGSE, CAP3D_FILTER_MIP, CAP3D_FILTER_SSD, CAP3D_VOIMODE, CAP3D_MAIN, Get_Worklist, MRI_ARGUS_MAIN, N_RoW, N_PAT_Advanced, N_AdvFunctNeuro, MPPS_Support, CAP3D_FUSIONAUTO, MR_Composing_Spine, N_Diffusion, N_TimApplication, N11Adv3D, SYNGO_GENERAL_LICENSE, CAP3D_FUSIONBASE, CAP3D_FUSIONLM, MR_DIS3D, N_InlineComposing, N_Stepping, N_InlineDIS3D, N_SWI, N_BLADE, MRI_CV_MAIN, N_TimCT_FastView, N_PhoenixZIP, N_ParametricMap, N_Native, MR_AutoAlign_Head_LS, MR_STEREOTACTIC_TSE, MR_Support_i, Channels_48, N_WF_Brain, N_WF_Basic, XJ_Gradients, N_ArterialSpinLabeling_3D, MR_MotionCorrection_NR, N_RESOLVE, N_Morpho_QC, N_SEMAC, N_Reduced_Motion_Sens_tse, N_QISS_Native_Angio

Siemens Aera 1.5T


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