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GE HDxT 23x 3T MRI


Manufactured: 2010


Location: Japan (NEX202)


Number of Channels: 16

Coils: HNS Array Coil, Shoulder Coil, Torso Array Coil, Neurovascular Coil, Head Coil, Shoulder Coil, Knee Coil


Options:  ARC, 3D_ASL, Asset, Blood_Flow_and_Volume_Measurement, Bloodsupp, BRAVO, Cine, COSMIC, Cube_T2, 3D_Dual_Echo, Delayed_Enhancement, 3D_Delayed_Enhancement, DW_EPI, E3DT0F, Echo_Planar_Imaging, Fastcine, Fast_Gradient_Echo, Fiesta_2D, Fiesta_3D, 3D_FAT_SAT_FIESTA, FIESTA-c, FlAIR3D, FLAIR_EPI, 3DFRFSE, Fast_Spin_Echo_and_FLAIR, FSE_XL, Fluoro-triggered_MRA, Time_of_Flight, IDEAL, iDrive, iDRIVE_Pro, Inhance_2D_Inflow, Inhance_3D_Velocity, Inhance_3D_Inflow_IR, Lava, LAVA-XV, 2D_MERGE, iDrive_Pro_Plus, Smart_Prep, SPECIAL, Spectroscopy/PROBE, SSFSE, SSFSE_MRCP, T2Star_Weighted_Angiography, T2MAP, 3DMERGE, Multi-Phase, Phase_Contrast_Vascular_Imaging, Egret, PROBE_3d_Brain, Probe_2000_Upgrade, ProbePRESS, DW_PROPELLER, T2_PROPELLER, T2_Flair_PROPELLER, QuickSTEP, Tagging, Diffusion_Tensor, Three_Plane_Localizer, FiberTrak, TRICKS, IP_Protection, 16_Channel_System

GE HDxT 23x 3T


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