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This system has been sold. Kindly contact us if you are looking for something similar. 


GE HDxt 1.5T MRI


Manufactured: 2009 


Location: Australia (EX3755)


No of Rx Channels: 8

Software Version: 16x

Gradient: HFD


Coils: T/R Knee Array, T/R Quad Extremity, Phased Array Shoulder, 8Ch Cardiac Array, 4Ch Wrist Array, 8Ch Body Array, Head Coil, 8Ch Breast Coil,

Neck and Spine Coil


Options: Cine, Epli, Fastgrass, FSE2, PVCI, SGD, DWEPI, FlairEPI, Special, SmartPrep, SSFSE, Threeplane, Hisris, E3DTOF, Fsexl, BloodSupp, FastCine, SGDPERF, iDrive, iDRIVE Pro, SPrep99, RTCA, Ushorttr, T2bhold, SSFSE MRCP, T1bhold, acgdplus, ftmra, ssfsexl, DynR1, Fiesta 2D, Fiesta 3D, Delenhmt, Asset, FR3DFSE, Asset91, Fiestac, Breast2, Fiesta3DFS, ResappHDx, DE3D, ARC, Inhan2dtof, Inhan3dpc, Inhanifir, Fiesta2DFS, Channel 8, Lava, MPhVar, Blflwmaps, Merge2D, Lavaxv, SmartP, Bravo, Cosmic3D


System available end of September

GE HDxT 1.5T

SKU: EX3755

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